It has come to my attention that the world has a real issue. An issue that actually has been around pretty much as long as there has been people. An issue that has yet to see a clear, decisive, and permanent solution. Although many have tried and succeeded, we have yet to see the end to this particular problem.
What is it you ask? The problem lies with you. Yes you. It is all your fault and you have not done much to solve it. You keep on and on with it just like a type A imbecile on a snipe hunt. You make no head room, even though you go into it and come out of it feeling like you will be the victor. Have you figured it out yet?
The problem is really, not understanding each other. Yes my dear daft comrade it all comes down to communication. The one thing that has propelled us to great success in technology and engineering, still baffles and stupefies us when it comes to relationships. Communication may be the single greatest achievement to man kind. How else could we share ideas that lead us to greatness. Yet it kills us when emotion and "EGO" (to which I pointed to in my last blog, its all circular) decide to join in on the conversation.
Although, I can fix this with a simple phrase if you are actually willing to listen. Now you have to promise me one thing. When you read this, you have to accept it. You cannot question it, you cannot second guess it, you cannot make excuses as to why its not the truth. You must and I mean must take it, digest it, and use it when you feel the rage a brewing. Are you ready? The phrase is "You are better than me". Got it? Let me say it again so that you really understand it "You are better than me".
The use of this will save you a whole heck of a lot of frustration. Now this doesn't mean you can't defend yourself or someone else. It is just meant to put you in the state of mind of humility. When you have two people speaking in love and humility to each other, only progress can be made. Even when it is only one person who is bringing humility to the table, it will eventually show you to be one who wants understanding.
I express that you not use this lightly. Definitely use it everyday. Yet if you are not ready for the benefits of this phrase, I say still use it. Maybe in time and enough repetition, you will get it through your thick skull, you hateful beast!
1 comment:
listen, just do things my way and we'll get along real nicely.
good thoughts! I thought you expressed them really well.
and yes
you really are better than me... almost
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