I heard a phrase today that I thought was just too exquisit. It was in reference to a fighter/bomber plane, the Eurofighter Typhoon. A very impressive aircraft that has one major paradox. It should not be able to fly. The wing span is so short that it does not have the proper lift to keep it in flight, consiquently making the manuverability of the jet very sharp. A human pilot can not fly it by himself. He is assisted by computers that use the wings on the nose and thrust of the jet to keep it aloft.
When the pilot who was testing this speacial machine was asked how it performs, his response was "It asscends like a homesick angel", like a homesick angel. To me that was utter poetry spoken by a man who has come so close to touching the face of God himself.
Makes me wonder how homesick I am, and what I can do to bring a little home here.
I love it!!!
Well, I have spent some time thinking about your post and I think it is time to say something. While in small group tonight, we were discussing Psalm 23. Normally this would be a pretty normal iscussion, but recently, one of the couples lost a child midterm. we got to talking about how precious life, but more specifically time is and how we waste some much of it worrying when something better is going to come along. I brought up your story and posed the question of how we bring Heaven to our world. I think it is is the extra spring in our step, the smile we have when we great people and most importantly, it is knowing and showing the Love of Christ through our actions and words. It is coming along side a friend, even a stranger and helping them out with a word of encouragement. Letting them know that the world we know that is full of sin and crap, just got a little smaller and that we care enough to take time out of our busy and hectic lives, that we are looking for the next best thing, and extended a hand of Grace and showed that we love them.
you need to update my friend!
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