"Where we find truth, we must claim it"
A phrase that has been hauntingly real to me. You see I have never been a big fan of the ambivalent idea of relative truth. The notion that what is true for you, may not be true for me, sounds well ridiculous. Those who have gravitated to this idea and defend it readily seem to be expressing their own demise to their cause just by arguing the validity of "truth" relativism. I am not really here for that right now though. What I am here for is to express the reality and clarity that truth provides. It is haunting.
For me this goes way beyond spiritual, political, or scientific. Mind you, all of those areas are in need for "truthiness enlightenment" so that one may garner his own ideas of right and wrong. As in the case of science. Lately I have seen way too many reports on what some scientists call "truth" only to discover that there was no real road to discovery of truth. I hope we all learned about the scientific process in our elementary days, because it seems that has been thrown out of the window to gain credit for a theory that might prove to do more harm than good. Or maybe I have become a little too cynical of the scientific community. No longer seeing them in the light of unwavering UN-bias of scientific truth. Or most likely seeing that people may never be able to separate themselves from their agendas to what is actual truth.
In the case of political, truth is already set out for us. Now as an American I see the world through that prism. A land where all men are created equal and are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. Through the past few months I have come to the conclusion that our founding fathers were absolute and utter geniuses. Although they most likely took their current positions under the crown of England and said "Lets do everything opposite of what they do" and created a system of government that strove to be the best example of fair and just laws. My goodness though, some of the passionate poetry that is written within my countries documents almost makes me befuddled with wonderment. The truth here though, has been found and we only need to keep it. Some wish to twist it to make their agendas known, but that is not truth and it will not stand.
In the case of spiritual, this is where truth relativism feels it oats. To justify the actions of ones self, relativism says that it is okay because there is no ultimate truth when it comes to morality. I don't believe that I have ever heard something so destructive as to what that says. If there is no ultimate moral standard, then I would suggest throwing the whole rule book out. While your at it, chuck civilization along with it. Think about relativism though, doesn't that just make you squirm a bit? In the fiber of our being, there has to be moral compass governing us all, isn't there? I mean it may not even be all christian, because even the Romans had their moral standards. Where it might be okay with everyone for the man of the house to sleep with his wife, servant, and stable boy, it was never tolerated that he sleep with a member of his own family, or another mans wife. When it comes down to it, this whole moral relativism seems to revolve around sex anyway.
Yet the truth that I have found lately that I have claimed is more important than any of these fields. Because without this truth, you have no hope to find truth in other arenas. That truth is in the unashamed, unabashed, full fledged no holds barred selfless requites of love. Love is a truth that we must all accept. Now I know that sounds trite, and some of you are saying that is an easy answer, but, if you wanted to find the meaning of life, a question that is on every ones mind, wouldn't the root of it be in something simple? I mean what essence can bind all of mankind together?
In relationships, love is key. In spirituality, love is key. In politics, love is key. Yes, even in science love is key. That seems to be a recurring theme in life. That if I do not have love in my heart, this life is not worth living. This is what I am discovering in an all new way. Not just the romantic love found in a Hollywood movie. It is in the selfless, you are better than me, love. If we do not have it, than what are we doing all of this for? Recognition passes, fame fades, and riches get spent. I used the word haunting in the beginning to describe how love keeps rearing its head. That is really the best way I know how to put it. You see in all situations where conflict is resolved, or care is given, or real enlightenment bestowed, it has been in the context of love. I warn you not to pass by loves doorstep and not pay it a visit. The world and the people therein seem to open up like a spring flower when ever love is given. Although never use love as a means to and end, it does not work that way. It is a paradox, where if you truly want life to the fullest, then you have to truly love those around you as they are better than you.
There is so much to say on this subject that it is hard for me to put it down. For right now, all I can do is quote a very popular television shows theme that was proudly displayed after the title to suggest the underlying current of all of the shows it produced.
"The truth is out there"
,and it is proving easily found.
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